A Fake ESA Letter can Ruin your Vacation.......Spot the Warning Signs


Planning a vacation with Coco? Do you have a valid and genuine ESA letter to accompany you? A fake ESA letter can ruin your entire vacation, quite literally. We know that you have been planning this holiday for months and don't want anything to ruin it.


The only best way of doing it is to make sure that your ESA letter is genuine and written by a licensed mental health professional. To know if your letter is real, look for an emotional support animal letter and examine your letter properly.


If you see any of the following warning signs, run away as far as possible.


  1. Ask for a sample ESA letter to see what will they add into the letter. Is it written on the medical health professional’s letterhead? Does it have the therapist’s signature? Are all the details clear and easy to scan? If any of these details are missing then the letter is fake.


  1. Is the therapist licensed to work in your state? This is something that many ESA owners do not know. A genuine ESA letter provider will know about it. If the therapist’s state is different than yours then you should quit working with it.


  1. The rates are ridiculously cheap. Nothing of quality comes in low and cheap prices so if a company claims to give the letter in overly cheap rates then it is probably writing it themselves and not any professional therapist.


  1. They tell you to register your ESA. there is nothing like legal ESA registry and if a company is telling you that you need to ‘register’ your ESA then it is fake. You just need a genuine ESA letter to keep your emotional support animal and that's it.


  1. There is no screening process. Now this is the BIGGEST red flag. How could someone issue the letter without knowing your condition? And someone is doing it them it is fake, stay away from it.


A legitimate ESA letter offers a lot of benefits for you and your emotional support animal. Do proper research before getting the esa letter sample  and enjoy your vacation with Coco.

Top 5 Chuckit Toys for your ESA Dog


Love to play with your beloved companion? You can mix things up by adding some tops into your playtime and give your dog who you get after getting emotional support dog letter to more reasons to be excited. Dogs are extremely active and playful animals and this is why regular walks and playtime is a mist to keep them fit and healthy.


If you are looking for some ideas and toys to add to this fun routine then Chuckit has the perfect products for you. Following are the top 5 toys that you can add into your ESA dog’s playtime arsenal and give him a perfect treat.


  1. Chuckit Ball Launcher


Love to play fetch with your dog? This classic ball launcher is a great way of taking things further. The toy is especially helpful if you cannot throw the ball due to any shoulder or arm issues. It enhances your throwing capacity and helps your dog to get maximum exercise in minimum time.


  1. Chuckit Balls


Want something to go with your Ball launcher? These Chuckit Balls make a perfect partner for it. They are made to go with the Launcher and your dog can chase and chew it to its heart;s content. Made with high quality and natural rubber, these balls are bouncy, durable and squeak, all that you need to keep your dog happy.


  1. Fluffy Indoor Fumbler


Got a petite dog or someone who is not a great fan of the outdoors? You can still help your dog stay fit by getting this fluffy fumler. It is made with soft cover and is great for an indoor game of fetch. It is lightweight and ideal for a dog that is not a chewer.


  1. Paraflight Chuckit Frisbee


Much like fetch, playing frisbee with your dog is a lot of fun. These frisbees are durable and buoyant so that you do not have to worry about it when playing with it at the beach or in a pool party. It is made with soft but strong rubber, which makes it ideal to handle for the pet parents and chew for the dogs.


  1. Chuckit Flying Squirrel


Is your dog a chewer? Which dog isn't! Dogs love to chew on things and this Flying Squirrel toy is perfect for it. It is a great alternative to ball and frisbee and comes in an exciting color scheme. What makes it a great dog toy is its size. It is 10x10 inches in size and is ideal for larger dogs also.


Before you go shopping for your dog, make sure that you have a valid ESA letter to live and travel with it. Before choosing someone to work with, research and go through a esa letter sample to know about what is added in it.

6 Ways to Keep your ESA Cat Happy and Healthy



Wondering how to keep your feline friend happy and healthy? There are many ways to make sure that your emotional support cat comfortable and happy. While dogs are a lot easier to see through and manage, maintaining your ESA cat will need some work.


Below are some easy ways to get emotional support animal letter sample and keep your kitty happy, content and healthy.


  1. Make a Private Place for It


Like you, your cat also needs some private place to relax and have some me-time. This place could be anything like a cozy cushion in the corner of your living room, bedroom or a basket in which it could sleep any time. Cats are somewhat private and do not like to be bothered unnecessarily.


  1. Healthy and On Time Diet


Food is important for your feline family member also. However, instead of giving it just anything, consult a veterinary doctor and ask her to give a complete meal plan for your cat. 


They know what is good for your cat and make a routine for its meals. Healthy food will keep the diseases at bay and keep your cat healthy and active.


  1. Regular Grooming


Your cat may not need daily bath but it definitely needs daily and proper grooming. Long haired cats will need their hair to be brushed regularly while them and other indoor cats will also need regular nail clipping. You can also take your cat for a spa treatment.


  1. Proper Medical Checkups


Cats are very private and chances are that you will not know about their condition for a long time. The best way of making sure that it is healthy and fit is to take it to the doctor once a month. Keep track of its vaccinations and have a regular checkup routine for it.


  1. Playtime and Treats


Playtime is very important for your cat. It will help you bond better with it and keep it fit also. Additionally, you can also arrange a ‘playdate’ with your neighbor’s cat or someone you know when you took your cat for a walk. Special cat treats will keep your feline motivated and happy.


  1. Freedom to Move Around


Cats are extremely independent and self sufficient. This is why they do not need as much attention as dogs. Instead of restricting it too much, let it roam around the house freely. Plus, do not try to force your affection when it is not in the mood.


However, to have the joy of caring for your cat, you will need an ESA letter. There are many sources from where you could get it but go through a free emotional support animal letter sample beforehand.

5 Proven Benefits of Emotional Support Animals

An emotional support animal, ESA, is a more than a pet animal that provides therapeutic benefits to its owner. Whether these animals provide the comfort or not is still a hot topic but actual pet owners do report some significant benefits of having a beloved companion around.


To live and travel with an ESA, the owners need to get a valid ESA letter. They can get the letter either from an online source or from their trusted mental health practitioner.


Before getting the letter from an online provider, make sure that you have checked an ESA letter sample to know how does a genuine ESA letter looks like.


Once you get the letter, get ready to enjoy the following benefits of having an ESA.


  1. Increased Production of Neurotransmitters


People suffering from depression rely on antidepressants to ease their condition. These antidepressants increase the level of serotonin in our bloodstream and regulates our mood.


Research shows that just looking into the eyes of your beloved furry friend, especially a dog, produces dopamine and the feelings of pleasure. Therefore, your ESA keeps you calm, happy and, overall, in a good mood.


  1. Reduced Stress and Anxiety


Since these lovelies encourage the production of neurotransmitters, dopamine and endorphins, it helps in reducing stress and increasing the feelings of happiness and love. The best thing is that you will have someone who will share this love and reciprocate.


Modern lifestyle is stressful and coming back home to someone who is there to offer unconditional love and companionship helps in managing this stress and staying positive and happy.


  1. Improved Physical and Mental Health


Having a dog or a cat means that you will have to take it for a walk also, right? These daily walks, or several weekly walk sessions, are good for both of you. This is especially true for a dog ESA, since they are more active than a cat or any other animal.


Taking your dog for a walk will keep you active also. These walks will also help you in connecting with other ESA owners and people who came to walk their pets. Many of these connections turn into meaningful relationships.


  1. Improved Travelling Experience


Many people and especially the ones having mental or emotional challenges could not travel easily. For them, having their ESA dog or cat with them is a blessing. They help ease their travel related anxiety and divide their attention.


A Lot of people stress because they have to travel alone; having an ESA solves this problem as they have a companion to share their travelling experience.


  1. Better Treatment Results


Many treatments have reported to have better results with an ESA. People suffering from depression, anxiety and stress are often on treatment. Some treatments that work best


with an ESA include cognitive improvement treatments, in certain mindfulness techniques and post trauma treatments.


Besides all the confusion and debate, having a pet or an ESA letter for housing do offer substantial benefits for you. With an emotional support dog letter, or an ESA letter for any type of pet, will help you to avail these benefits easily.